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Chemical Industry

Publicar Time: 2021-05-22     Origem: alimentado

The chemical and petrochemical industries pose a unique set of challenges, including low temperature applications, high temperatures, highly corrosive environments, high pressure processing and final product purity.

Not surprisingly, stainless steel seamless pipe is popular throughout the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Its ability to withstand the erosion of highly corrosive substances and impressive mechanical properties are the key factors leading to high levels of demand. 

In the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, it can be effectively used, for example, in pressure vessels and process piping. Unlike carbon steel that can corrode or be contaminated by paint or sheet surfaces, in fact, most stainless steel items contain up to 60% recyclable materials.

The conditions for using stainless steel in petrochemical and chemical plants are critical. During operation, treated fluids and extremely high temperatures can be particularly aggressive. The main challenge is the presence of chloride or an environment where cracking occurs.

With the development and change of industrial processes and the advent of new challenges, exciting new applications of stainless steel are being explored in order to maximize the key advantages provided by this material.

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